What age should you start using anti-aging products?
  1. What age should you start using anti-aging products?

    There is no right or wrong answer to this question. In theory, the aging process begins around the age of 25 when our skin starts losing collagen and the skin cell turnover slows. In reality, however, everyone’s skin condition is different, making it hard to pinpoint the exact age at which you should start anti-aging skincare.

    So, instead of your age, we recommend prioritising your skin, its condition and needs to keep signs of aging at bay. Focus on prevention — build a good skincare routine, be consistent with it and always wear sunscreen.

An ageless skincare routine for mature skin

Transform the look of mature skin with MÁDARA Time Miracle — the world’s 1st anti-aging skincare based on Northern birch water which accelerates dermal cell division and aids skin recovery. The advanced formulas with potent plant actives offer sublime rejuvenation to help minimise fine lines, wrinkles, loss of firmness and elasticity.